Intimate Enlightenment

Intimate Enlightenment ~


My lovely Angels, good day to you all.  I hope this message finds all my Angels well and are enjoying your Friday the 13th.  It’s a beautiful day!

I wanted to write this for myself and to you all to send my apologies for not being there lately.  As we all do, I have come across some rough times lately and struggle immensely with living in California (being so far away from our family and friends).  My father had a double bypass (I couldn’t be there to assist) and my ex-husband ended up in the hospital wherein he passed away (I couldn’t be at the hospital when he was there).  I did check in with my mom and dad as well as my brothers on my dad’s status, and he is doing well now. I just got back from a trip to Florida wherein I attended my ex-husband’s service and got to physically check on my parents.  The service and visit was so much harder than I thought it would be.  After many trips down memory lane, the closure I needed, and time with family, I know he is with the Angels now.  We had been in each others lives in one way or the other (even though we had extremely bad times at the end) for 25 years.  That’s a long time ~ we remained friends all this time.  I always wished him well and happiness, having forgiven him and left all the other things behind.  By doing that, I was able to move on and find the love of my life, Rob. Rob has been so tremendous and supportive that I don’t know how I got so lucky!  🙂

At the end of the day, it’s hard for me not to be able to be there (closer) for my family and friends as I have always been used to.  I know that change is good, change can be great, and, it is.  But for me, that change needs to be closer is all.  My husband moved us out here to California and I am grateful for that because I have been able to see so much, do so much, and make great friends.  Things that I probably would not have been able to do otherwise.  For that, I am thankful.

I say all this just to say that we are not guaranteed the next hour, the next day, the next month, or the next year.  It can all be gone so quickly, in the blink of an eye.  So, my Angels – please live life to the fullest, live each moment as though it was your last.  Because, you never really know.  Keep your Warrior Within and go out in order to do something you normally would not.  Be brave, be daring, be real!

Be Happy My Angels and know that You are ALL always in my prayers!

Always with Light  Love!

7 thoughts on “Intimate Enlightenment

  1. Hello Dawn,
    So glad to hear from you but know I am sending you best vibes after so much ordeal. Wish your dad all the best for me after his surgery. Keep your Warrior Within!

    Love to all in your part of the family.
    Your Houston cousin, Vicki


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