ARCHANGEL METATRON – 2018, The Year Ahead by Higher Density Blog and Era of Light channeled material from Tyberonn.

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ARCHANGEL METATRON – 2018, The Year Ahead – by Era Of Light – 2-10-18


Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we greet each of you, individually, lovingly, in a vector of timeless space. We embrace you in the ‘Now’ time that you read these words, and surround you in an energy of Unconditional Love.

The world remakes itself in 2018, and whether or not humanity are prepared for expansive change, is truly a moot point. For the forward inertia of time accelerates more quickly today than it did yesterday. Accordingly will 2018 impel the expedition of light acceleration and your lucid interpretation of consciousness. With this surge your cognitive expression of life, will in-kind shift into higher tempo. You see, all is quickening, time is accelerating as the ‘New Earth’ of 2018 and beyond draws nigh. So as time reshapes…

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