Why I Volunteer @ Her Nexx Chapter

Good Day Angels.

I know this might be a bit personal, but I thought I would share it here with you – my Angel family. The below is the reason why I volunteer with Her Nexx Chapter.


I have always been the type to help others first even as a small girl.  Sometimes I feel my heart is too big and it hurts when I cannot help those I want to.  I feel helpless and not sure of what to do for them.  If I’m being honest this all stems from my personal experiences – I have been through a lot in my lifetime, from physical/mental abuse as a child by family members to being held at gunpoint, to verbal abuses by people I’ve dated to Breast Cancer and having a Double Mastectomy, all of which I have survived and with my Angels, I have come out stronger.  

When I look back there were so many things that I thought I needed to accomplish only to realize one day that when I was pushing myself so hard I was not being honest or true to myself and what I needed to be was happy with me, for me, in me, in this crazy world of ours.  I have thought over the years that there must be a place for me out there somewhere in which to help others like me survive as I have, a place where I can help the need of other women obtain from another woman advice/support in dealing with a certain situation, any situation she finds unbearable or maybe she just needs to have that tribal community of support.  I wanted that – I wanted to be a part of that for others.  

I say all of this to say that I have survived this whirlwind life so far and all of my experiences have brought me here to Her Nexx Chapter in 2019.  The idea of Her Nexx Chapter was a godsend for me and one that I have prayed about for so long.  That is what Her Nexx Chapter is all about.  It is about women being there for other women in helping her find “Her Nexx Chapter” in life.  It is about giving other women the courage and the strength to be free, to speak out, to stretch and grow into the beautiful souls they are, and shine.  That is what Her Nexx Chapter does and for that, I am happy to be a part of it.

Here’s to us women and our strength in heart and soul to be the light in the darkness and shine on for all others and help all of those we can.

Hope is the thing with feathers – Emily Dickinson

‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers –

That perches in the soul –

And sings the tune without the words –

And never stops – at all –


Always with Light & Love Angels ~ Always!



Good Monday morning my beautiful Angels!  Though I had a great vacation, it is GREAT to be back here with you!  I surely missed you ALL!

So, with that ~ today I am going to talk about “Feathers.”  I love to see and/or find for no real reason at all  feathers laying around.  Have you ever come across a feather when walking, running or riding a bike and most likely not thought anything of it.  Well, I am here to tell you that I believe that when you see feathers  – there is a meaning around it and most often than not it is your Angels reminding you that they are near and with you.  Below are some definitions re feathers:

White Feathers are typically seen as a sign from the angel or spirit of a loved one who has passed on. White feathers symbolize faith and protection and are most significant when found in a spot where they are not likely to be.

Pink Feathers are a reminder of the unconditional love of your angels, and a reminder of the infinite inspiration available when you’re tuned into love.

Red Feathers signify life force energy, physical vitality, stability, strength, passion, and courage.

Orange Feathers carry messages of creativity, listening to your inner voice, and staying positive to attract success.

Yellow Feathers are often a reminder to be cheerful and light-hearted, to be present, alert, and to stay focused on what you desire to magnetize these blessings into your life.

Green Feathers signify abundance and money, a fertile opportunity, as well as vibrant well-being, health, and love.

Blue Feathers bring a calming and peaceful energy, and are connected to communication, awareness, and are often a reminder to listen.

Gray feathers are a call to return to peace within to create it without. Gray is also neutral, and can be a sign that the answer to your question is not yes/no or black/white.

Brown Feathers signify grounding, home life, and stability. There is an energy of respect, grounded positivity, and balance between the physical and spiritual.

Black Feathers are a reminder of the protection of your angels, and a signal that spiritual wisdom, and magic are accessible by you within.

Feathers with purple on them carry messages of deep spirituality, transmutation of negativity, as well as the opening of psychic and spiritual sight.

This is of course a general look at what finding colored feathers may mean, and the deeper meaning of the angel message present within the feathers can be found by being aware and looking within.

Don’t worry too much about the specific meaning though, just be open and if there is something specific the angels want you to know, it will appear. The good thing about angel messages is they are repetitive until you ‘get it’ so if you miss it the first time, they’ll send you the message in another way.

Finding feathers in and of itself is a blessing and a signal that your angels are with you, ask for help! Use the moment when you find a feather as a reminder to return to presence yourself, and to thank the angels for their presence and assistance in your life.



